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Joined: Dec 26, 2018
Last seen: Nov 25, 2021
Topics: 9 / Replies: 67
RE: M1T and 1AD

Hey guys, I have a REALLY stupid question. All this talk about M1T and 1AD...Is this the same stuff I'm seeing advertised in the magazines today? OTC ...

6 years ago
RE: Loooonnng Cycles?

I just took my last shot this past Monday, (10 days ago) and went in for my bloodwork this morning, as I'm wanting to get an idea what my labs will lo...

6 years ago
RE: Loooonnng Cycles?

So, if I am reading correctly, there a quite a few users here that are on year round, are responsible about their use, and maintain what sound like ex...

6 years ago
RE: Loooonnng Cycles?

So, by suprashysiological doses, when I am "off cycle" I would be looking at around 100 mg a week or so as a TRT dose? Again, not to say that I am def...

6 years ago
RE: Loooonnng Cycles?

I'm interested as well LI! I'm definately not having any more kids, hell, if staying on all the time could help me avoid "the snip", that would almost...

6 years ago
Replies: 33
Views: 3819
RE: I need a little help please

Ummm...When I'm on cycle my, well...Let's see...I guess I'll say that my volume is way down. When PCT starts and I start the Nolvadex it's a TOTALLY d...

6 years ago
6 years ago
RE: ?? on cholesterol- AAS

Posted by: AryanSteel Forgot to ask is the polycosinal & CQ10 available OTC or are theyother??BACK TO THE CYCLE , NO TABS WERE USED THROUGHOUT, A...

6 years ago
RE: ?? on cholesterol- AAS

My doctor put me on Lipitor about this time last year because I had a total cholesterol count of 253 with and HDL of around 25...Not good. After two w...

6 years ago
RE: niacin and drug screening:warning

Aaahh shit...Scratch the niacin then for this feller. I was doing pretty good improving my lipids with just coq-10, polycosinol, fish oils and oatmeal...

6 years ago
RE: niacin and drug screening:warning

I normally only take on tab a day in conjunction with my other supp's for cholesterol. Are others taking more? The flush free kind has done just what ...

6 years ago
RE: niacin and drug screening:warning

I wonder what the doses are that are used for trying to mask a drug test? I remember back in my younger days all the talk was about golden seal root f...

6 years ago
RE: Injury...recommendations? Experience?

Just got back from Dr...He says I've aggravated the tendons over the AC joint and that it's probably one of the most common shoulder injuries for thos...

6 years ago
RE: Injury...recommendations? Experience?

I've been almost exclusively dumbells for quite a while now. After looking at some anatomy charts of the shoulder, it definately feels like it's in th...

6 years ago
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