Last seen: Dec 21, 2024
hey massive..congrats on ur second child..thats awesome..but i have a question for u..u say u've been on for many yrs..i've only done 4 cycles in 20 m...
come on guys, why are u trashing trialsquest? he believes in something u guys obviously dont believe in...so what, he believes and u dont..leave it at...
wow...these sides are the total opposite from me...i have a side effect that most guys would love but it gets annoying after a while to me..femara doe...
i shave with the mach3 and its cool..the first blade takes hair off...the second blade takes skin off...and the third blade takes bone marrow, lol...b...
im a lucky one who has the type of training partner who will only spot u if the weight is not coming up...he yells "if u dont lift that shit off ur ch...
also try adding some primrose and cod liver oil..it helps.. Quiet E.
yea ur rite...anadrol is the shit, thats what it is, shit...never again will I use that poison...i gained 16 lbs in 10 days, it was shit weight, all w...
alot of the guys here have their own way of taking dbol..and we all get similar results...the usual is taking them spread out through out the day caus...
nothing is worse than anadrol when it comes to acne..i use dbol and i probably get a zit, a pimple here and there..not so bad...but when i used that a...
ok guys, im doin the classic test/deca/dbol cycle...and i was thinking about adding some winny the last 5 wks...my question here is if its really wort...
iron...my theory is simple...keep it simple man..thats it..with what u got is enough to make some real good gains...i always keep it simple, rite now ...
holy crap massive g...800 grams of protein! damn thats what i eat in a span of 2 1/2 days...wow man u are one big mofo...im 5'8 at 240...i thought i w...
hey rock, ur a bodybuilder..in order to see the lines and everything else from ur body u have to be shaved, rite?...thinking its gay is what makes it ...
i had that happen to me last wk at my gym while doing front raises with a barbell...i just told the guy to talk to me after im done training not while...
hey man u could also try Lactaid 1% milk...i cant drink milk and that one is perfect for me and the taste is pretty good...give it a try...100% lactos...