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Joined: Jul 27, 2018
Last seen: Aug 26, 2020
Topics: 13 / Replies: 97
Replies: 1
Views: 1170
RE: Best OTC supps for prostate health

I just couldn't work out the liver-prostate connection other than a cascade of really complex interactions.

5 years ago
RE: Best OTC supps for prostate health

Saw palmetto conc ex. works great for me.

5 years ago
RE: Fish Oil Side Effect?

How interesting, has anybody got an idea as to why?

5 years ago
RE: COOL caffeine info.

Nice find, I'm off for another green tea then.

5 years ago
RE: What's in your proverbial medicine chest?

Posted by: mightymax All that and more depends on how the legs feel ;-) but on most mornings i consume3 flasks of Actovegin1 flask of Norditropin pen...

5 years ago
RE: Nephrotoxicity and its prevention by taurine in tamoxifen induced oxidative stress in

and also...Taurine Supplementation Reduces Oxidative Stress and Improves Cardiovascular Function in an Iron-Overload Murine ModelGavin Y. Oudit, MSc, ...

5 years ago
RE: Nephrotoxicity and its prevention by taurine in tamoxifen induced oxidative stress in

I found thisTaurine protects the heart from neutrophil-induced reperfusion injuryPetra Raschke, Parwis Massoudy and Bernhard F. BeckerCorresponding Au...

5 years ago
RE: What is reasonable.....

I have no idea how much muscle one could put on as one gets older, I'm sure there is some kind of chart that I'm meant to fit into however my personal...

5 years ago
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