Last seen: Jan 18, 2024
and another thing how many weeks can i keep doing the 2weeks on 2weeks off cycle....... i mean is there a limit or suggested time frame where i need t...
thanks for all the reply bro really appreciate it :)......and yea bro id like to drop the creatine to and go to a annabolic lolol im just not ready to...
i just wonder if im a canadiate for taking t3 or if i should just try clen first alone....... never taken anything before im waiting to juice as long ...
im not looking for a magic pill of course i know diet is like 80% of eveyrthing in this game...... but im asking about clen and creatine taken togethe...
lolol good post APE that had me laughing ..........but what about taking clen with Creatine seems to be a good idea but want to know if anyones tried ...
and what about taking creatine with this......... like one without all those sugars..... would this help be gain while leaning up a bit or not gonna h...
Thanks for the reply i appreciate it....... so with the Clen do you think it can really hlep preserve muscle and you can just strictly burn fat? im ju...