Last seen: Jan 18, 2024
good idea timba.... makes sense that way. How is your diet on clen and how are your resluts coming along so far
of course keep the carbs low....... but how low is low enough ,now what im saying...... ive been told by some of the experts on the boards to just cut...
yea i hear what your saying... but i think you would taper up until you hit your max and then you know thats what you can handle... so it might take y...
so how does that work when you run it like that timba? do you taper up for your frist 2days and then after that take 2days off and just start where yo...
thanks for the replies guys....... i think 2weeks on 2weeks off allows you to use it alot longer im sure you can use clen that way forever if you want...
thanks for the reply...... and yea id like to read the article..... and i was wondering if you guys think cardio shoudl be done year round..... ive al...
thanks for the reply....... had a few things to comment on. Dont you feel that if your doing things different all the time you really dont ever get a ...
and im trying something new .... ive always been the type to do each body part 1 time per week always have done that but i feel that whatever i do on ...
ok ..... dam i didnt know i had to go that low carb that im pretty much not eating any carbs except post workout?? actually it seemed that bigwill sai...
Thanks for the replies.......... had a question when it coems to good carbs i mean i hear so many different things...... but is there really that big ...
yea i mean id like to get bigger by workinout out and of course i gotta eat........ but your right if i was to lean up i would look bigger thats like ...
gnc pro performance creatine and there pro performance weight gainer 30lbs lean mass and bench went from 200 to 350 in a matter of 3weeks ... and i wa...