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Joined: Jul 7, 2018
Last seen: Oct 21, 2020
Topics: 8 / Replies: 43
RE: Super Foods for Muscle

On the egg bit, I eat a lot of eggs and fully agree that the free range thing is a joke. So is all natural -- I mean they are eggs not Easter candy. A...

4 years ago
RE: hucog HCG

I used it with good success. I used 1/10th ml/ day over 10 days for PCT with nolva starting the 5th day of the HCG (I was using a longer ester, so I w...

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1795
RE: no xplode like without caffeine ?

I am pretty sure there is a no-caffeine version of Fast-Twitch.

4 years ago
RE: Searching for a new pre-workout

ephedrine and strong, black coffee -- that tends to get my mind right.

4 years ago
RE: Pumped Up On The Paleo Diet

the comps are weightlifting right now. the large guess and test piece was the dairy and variable amounts in my diet. I have followed a bit more of a e...

4 years ago
RE: Pumped Up On The Paleo Diet

My goals are mainly good recovery while keeping my weight class in check. I have played around with the paleo diet and found that this works at this p...

4 years ago
RE: Pumped Up On The Paleo Diet

Has anyone read Rob's book? I have read Mark's book and found it to be very interesting, but aimed at the general public too much (I am sure that is g...

4 years ago
RE: Ultra-Endurance Running May Not Be Good For The Heart

I don't think that any serious endurance athlete feels that what they are doing is life extending. Forcing you body beyond its limits is very rewardin...

4 years ago
RE: attention: those with low hdl

Lifts,if you take the niacin at night, could you take it with a benadryl to limit the histamine trouble? Potential help with getting to sleep, quick s...

5 years ago
RE: Muscle growth

Zatsiorky's book is one of those of the old Soviet collection. He has continued to update it with a new version out not that long ago. Amazon, etc has...

5 years ago
RE: Muscle growth

The end part sounds a lot like a theory touched on by Zatsiorky in Science and Practice of Strength Training. The idea that by catabolizing the protei...

5 years ago
RE: Anyone else working their way back?

I'm sure that you are way ahead of me here, but focus on form, form, form and I bet you will pass your old numbers. I have worked with a number of guy...

5 years ago
RE: Any superset lovers?

Do you time your rounds and then post them to a website? Seriously though, I do something similar -- but with a single movement. I learned it as Rest/...

5 years ago
RE: Any superset lovers?

Re: Any superset lovers? Posted by: ready2explode Just read an article on t-muscle which discussed the "proper" way to superset. At the heart o...

5 years ago
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