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Joined: Jan 16, 2019
Last seen: Apr 13, 2022
Topics: 3 / Replies: 162
RE: Two eggs a day ‘does not increase cholesterol levels’

Posted by: Bellina lol...i'm all talk...couldn't tell you the last time i had bacon and i put fat free creamer in my coffee fat free creamer!!...

5 years ago
RE: Two eggs a day ‘does not increase cholesterol levels’

bison is by law a protected animal; no hormones and must be free range. of course im sure this isnt always the case. also stores are notorious for cut...

5 years ago
RE: Two eggs a day ‘does not increase cholesterol levels’

this would explain your recklessness with bacons and butters and such...

5 years ago
RE: Two eggs a day ‘does not increase cholesterol levels’

more importantly they help growth. i try not to associate with most americans, especially the fat ones. maybe i shouldnt have said everyone. maybe i s...

5 years ago
RE: Two eggs a day ‘does not increase cholesterol levels’

pushing the envelope to say the least! you are playing russian roulette with your eggs! imagine if you added some cheese... would definitely be a reci...

5 years ago
RE: Two eggs a day ‘does not increase cholesterol levels’

Posted by: Seabiscuit Hogg a lot of farmers eat their own natural eggs and grass fed beef and dairy. That would explain a lot. The mass produced eg...

5 years ago
RE: Two eggs a day ‘does not increase cholesterol levels’

hmm...but how many people have grown up eating nothing but sausage, meat, eggs, mik that have perfect blood profile and live to be older than dirt. th...

5 years ago
RE: Two eggs a day ‘does not increase cholesterol levels’

how many eggs can you eat comfortably without chol climbing? it must be genetic bc i eat bet 2-3 dz a week with no rise. i get mine from a local farm ...

5 years ago
RE: High Reps for Growth by Chris Cormier - 1995

10x10 is crazy volume man, more power to you

5 years ago
RE: High Reps for Growth by Chris Cormier - 1995

Posted by: Seabiscuit Hogg If the 315 10 x 10 goal was reached. I probably would have been repping 500 for 8. i dont know if the carryover wo...

5 years ago
RE: High Reps for Growth by Chris Cormier - 1995

dude you were there! man i bet your fibers are fucking radioactive or some shit. you know your a badass when you can do 315 for 10... then decide to d...

5 years ago
RE: High Reps for Growth by Chris Cormier - 1995

hi rep squats work also not only bc of high volume but most people do not have strong enough stabilizers and even larger muscle groups (lower back) to...

5 years ago
RE: catecholamines and insulin

well a lot depends on carb intake throughout day, how depleted your are or full you are, etc...however, for arguments sake lets say you are on the low...

5 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 896
RE: Curls...

fuck i feel like banging my head through the fucking wall. if you read my post i never said to stay anywhere forever. how do you get connective tissue...

5 years ago
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