Last seen: Apr 13, 2022
if someone is really interested in what i eat then fine i will post it...point is this thread like a lot of others is bullshit. it sounds like troll.....
my posts are no less relevant than the fucking threads. fucking clowns...
do you have a beating heart?
why do you have a link to vitaminhealthshop.com and onlinhealthdeals.com on your sig?
quote:[i] So, the point i am agreeing on is if you want to go max weight, you need to hit it first thing. I avoid 1 rep max's for joint reasons. jb [/...
Posted by: Wheelies I prefer to start low and work up. I do this because I believe that muscles need to be warmed up to help prevent injuries. You wo...
Posted by: jboldman It is apparent to me now that what we may really want is a mixture of whey/isolate/casein/TMP. That would maximize protein synthe...
casein vs whey
the half life is short, though i dont have exact time... i will post some studies for you, i know how much i depend on them, trouble is where did i hi...
Posted by: jboldman whey has some other benefits like immune system boosting. if you consider whey just to be a source of protein and then energy cal...
from what i understand your body can only absorb up to 29 grams of whey, specifically hydrolized... dnt ask for any literature to back this up, i dnt ...
i herniated two discs, L-4 and L-5, and tore a ligament... unfortunately i found this out after continuing to train after 2 months and only when i was...
tonights menu: 2 porkchops, roughly 6 oz of whole grain pasta with olive oil and garlic cloves, small bag of baby romaine lettuce with avacado, and ro...
all these aspects of overtraining that are being brought up are due to stress of ligaments/joints/tendons etc... and that is something i agree with 10...
i have blood in my piss sometimes. kidneys check out normal, just seems to happen. my doc is ok with it, i dont give a shit either way. that beeing sa...