Eminent Member
Joined: Jul 25, 2018
Last seen: Jan 21, 2020
Topics: 4 / Replies: 41
RE: DHEA and Recent Blood Work Results

JB,Thanks. But I was more interested specifically in whether a Varicocele would limit endo test production? What I've seen on the internet so far is i...

5 years ago
RE: DHEA and Recent Blood Work Results

Just wanted to give a follow up report on my before/after blood work results. Diet, training and times of day of blood work were all largely the same....

5 years ago
RE: DHEA and Recent Blood Work Results

Thanks guys.My doc wants me to do some follow up blood work in 6 weeks due to the high liver enzymes. I'm going to bump my dhea to 150 mg each evening...

5 years ago
RE: DHEA and Recent Blood Work Results

Headdoc,No, I was alternating training days with running sprints. Thanks,

5 years ago
RE: DHEA and Recent Blood Work Results

Thanks for that JB............I probably average 75 mg/daily, sometimes I take (1) 50 mg tab at night, sometimes (2).Insofar as the above study goes, ...

5 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 1107
RE: Muscletrophy II

A few questions please,Can I buy miosin chains at Sears?Is there a caveat to that mTOR?Will SEx with a K9 substitute for S6 with a K1?I couldn't find ...

5 years ago
RE: Insulin and Its Metabolic Effects (by Ron Rosedale, M.D.)

I watched a Nova segment on PBS last night that focused on centenarians and what is so different about them that they live so long. Their findings are...

5 years ago
RE: metabolic syndrome

Some wise person once said, let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.

5 years ago
RE: metabolic syndrome

Some wise person once said, let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.

5 years ago
RE: Heaviest weight on the first set?

Congrats Huge Deep. Interesting approach. On your 3 sets of negatives........ Does a spotter assist with the positive aspect of each rep? And how slow...

5 years ago
RE: New knee due.

Hey, sorry to be so late to post here. If you haven't completed your procedure, I recommend you consult with Bill Morgan in Worcester, MA. He is/was t...

5 years ago
RE: Insulin and Its Metabolic Effects (by Ron Rosedale, M.D.)

I watched a Nova segment on PBS last night that focused on centenarians and what is so different about them that they live so long. Their findings are...

5 years ago
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