Last seen: May 22, 2020
I hope you are better as of late!
16 views and no responses? You've got to be kidding me is everyone in a self induced coma? lolCome on now...I have searched the archives however I wan...
Sounds like good times brother i'm hoping you had a chance to sip a margarita as well
Product Used: Stanolab 10, Dianobol-lab 10, Tamoxi-lab, Clomi-lab, Cleno-lab. Describe dose used of product and length used: Persons using the dbol ha...
I send early congrats to your sister and of course you and your new niece/nephew
Posted by: Nytol2 I would up it to 400mg to start with, you feel like $hit, so you have nothing to lose, it will certainly not make you feel anyworse...
Guys thanks so much for your comments....this is so much more then just adding a sup to eat again.It's in my mind with my girlfriend/ex-girlfriend whi...
I have been going out with my girlfriend for 2 and a half years and still havent gotton laid yet. She is a 26 year old virgin and i am her first real ...
Buy-Steroids.biz has a great service and quality product (from what i have tried). This gentleman was kind enough to let me partake in a promo a few m...
JB i havent given those a go as of yet but at this point I have no choice. I'm down to 159lbs at 6'2 from 200 3 months ago. I'll give all that a shot ...
Posted by: fhg43 My life extension plan is to have my brain uploaded to a robot body.FHG Ala Steve Austin the bionic man?