Last seen: Oct 28, 2019
If you are taking more test than you need then your testicals will not make any, so they will atrophy.HCG at 500iu every 4 days would be a good way to...
I think prop is painless unless it is badly made, like most is.
As you gain, you need to increase the dose to continue to make progress, as the body will not want to keep the muscle you have gained.You will probwbl...
Posted by: Vic What affect will bumping the test to 500mg/ week for the remainder of the cycle have? Probably nothing mind blowing, but try it if it...
I think EQ is a poor drug, and I doubt you will see much above what you would get from the test alone.I would up the test, and bin the EQ; personally.
Yeah, I am classed as obese on the BMI, (in the UK at least), with approx 10% BF, lol.
Placing the order was no big deal and i was quite confident as i heard many good things about them. The packaging was very discreet. No one could say ...
Posted by: epote out of curiocity, why? Pretty much as JB said, it gave me nothing above what I would expect from the test I was running with it.No h...
I think boldenone is crap, so no, I would not agree with that cycle.At your hight, even with small bone structure, you should be able to hit 200lbs wi...
Seems perfectly logical to me.I would not inject the winny though, I would take it orally, I am not a fan of water based injectables, and the differen...
I wouild go with test+winny rather than winny alone.I think winny is underate as an anabolic, but as TD says above, it is one of the worst for lipid p...
I would stick with 300mg using 2%BA and 20%BB, it will be a nice shot with those ratios.
Posted by: Injunman I have found my sex drive gets very low after a Tren cycle. Anyone experience this? If so, how do you remedy? No problems with hi...
Posted by: HugeDeep so like test prop or susp? Not sure of a good "low dose" test! I would go with test enanthate myself, that way you only nee 2ml o...