Last seen: Oct 28, 2019
Posted by: NYC I made mine in oil/ba/bb I can just run it thru a filter and inject it, but ED shots suck... Does that avoid a liver pass? If so, i wi...
I read a study within the last week, (I cant remember where, but I shall try and find it) which showed methyltrienolone caused irreversable liver dama...
Lot of BB's I know use eod GH, they say it works better, and I am sure they have not read that study.
No problem mate, happy to help.
They sell tuarine on the same site, very cheap too. If your still in Wales then it should be not a problem.Not that impressed with their whey though, ...
Give the CEE HCL a try, for �18 you cant really go wrong, I think they may also do a smaller size tub. I also mix 3g of taurine in with each 2g dose.
I seriously doubt you would be able to tell the difference in taking any of those products and yeah, they are all well overpriced.I never got any gain...
I think you would get more feedback if you posted this in the supplement forum.Most of these products are rubbish, the only things that are really of ...
Posted by: Trevdog 3 times when I was with a woman for the first time, I could not reach orgasm. It was awkward. It definately wasn't them, just gett...
Never used that, but used prozac and cipramil for depression and it was nearly impossible to ejaculate.I dont think taking it before sex would work ve...
What reasons do you have to think that? The ester is the main thing that effects the release.
The BB will not effect the release as JB said.I see no reason not to add 20%, so we will just have to dissagree on that point, but either should work ...
BB is pretty much painless, some guys on another board shot 1ml of pure BB to see if it was the cause of any pain, and found it was not.BB is probably...
I seem to be a bit sensitive to it, but I am not the only one, many people have spoken of pain at 250mg/ml.I find that dropping the BB to less than 20...
For test enanthate 2% BA and 20% BB are just about perfect. I personally find TE painfull if made at 250mg/ml, but totally painless at 200mg/ml.