Last seen: Oct 28, 2019
MT2 was great.
I boil some water and place the vial in a cup of it for about 5 minutes.You cant microwave it as the metal seal will no tbe happy in there, also it co...
That is the 1st time I have heard of the combo leading to gyno.By what interaction could the 2 cause gyno, that either would no on its own?I know of a...
Not an answer to your question, but are you saying you can run test and tren seperately, but not together?Have you tried dostinex?
If you have the experience with it, then it all looks good to me, best of luck.
Have you used it before? 600mg is quite an unpleasent dose, you will not feel good, if this is your 1st time, I would stick with 400 for a few more da...
I think GH has the opposite effect, and actually raises blood sugar levels?
I think most people just shoot once per day, EOD.Timing depends on how if makes you feel, some people get tired after taking it, so morning is no good...
When trying to keep the nuts intact, I find 500iu HCG every 4th day works very well.If they have gone already, then as lifts says, I'd go 500iu EOD fo...
Glad your still with us!I am going to take a big 200mg DNP for my impending vacation, that does the job for me, if I am feeling brave I may go 400 for...
?????Be interested to see how you get on with the test free cycle.
Posted by: organdoner it's a male and in the early stages. mostly just losing his balance which sometimes comming close to falling. like i said it ru...
Are they male or female?Creatine could be a place to start.Do they do any sort of strength training? I dont know a great deal about the illness, but i...
Posted by: Big Cat It has already been discussed recently that multiple dosing of 17AA is not necessary. Not only has it been shown that receptor and...