Last seen: Jun 11, 2024
true i was just wondering if anyone has tried it and how their results were. supposedly when the 5x5 hits a plateau go to 5x3...then back to 5x5 etc. ...
restlesness, palpitations, tremors, headahce, increased perspiration, insomnia, muscle spasms, increased blood pressure and nausea. i did clen, and it...
heres an idea. gain some weight naturally. 5'11 169 is not big man. your gonna lose it all bro but best of luck to you.
so wait i have a question (being an injecting virgin). if you aspirate and it just so happens you hit a vessel and you draw back the plunger to see, i...
Originally posted by DJack Man I hit 7 sets of six reps with the 120 lb dumbbells on the incline press today! My training bro aint quite there, but ge...
ugh if i dont taper up my dosage i can't tolerate it. for someone to be taking it 2 on 2 off i would imagine it just stays at a high dose. i dont thin...
damn thats some great advice. every hardgainer should take a look at that.
have you tried upright rows with the barbell? for my traps i do the hammer strength shrug machine and the upright row primarily. 3x8 on each. err one ...
i understand where the logic is...and i dont know why you need a break, BUT why not just tone down the intensity a bit and try to maintain what you've...
i wouldnt do the clen 2 days on 2 days off. more like 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. and id put it up to more like 80-100 mcg, but i dont know how you react ...
i can handle a lot of exercise, but apparently i was overdoing it before. i play hockey, so i lift 4 days a week, practice 3 days a week and have game...
hmm ive had the same stuff from china probably (the 40 mcg tabs?) and on 100 mcg a day i shake a bit and can hear my heart beating through my chest. d...
Originally posted by Iman74 To see if I understand this correctly, the mindset replies I am getting is all about having the look as well as the streng...
Originally posted by gusto77 heres my 2 sense: Mon- Chest - Bench Press Incline Barbell Press Dumbell Flyes Biceps -Barbell curls Preacher Curls Tues-...