Last seen: Jun 11, 2024
can't figure out the threats of addiction, i've used it a couple months at a time getting ready for shows and when it's over i just put it down, but t...
can't believe no one is using these.....!?
the return to sender trick doesn't work, ask rick collins in legal muscle...!? sounds valid but doesn't hold in court....if they want you they get you...
don't waste time or money on either
beat me to it storm......! naposim will have a triangle on one side and are white in a blister pack.....anabol! now those are the pink pentagon..........
blood preassure will be a prob due to edema.....
the product w/ nandrolone cyp is very low dose and it also containe methandriol dipropinate. methandriol has been in alot of aussie gear. it's thought...
hasn't it been mentioned that our friend from the orient has a little test in his EQ?
thank you