Last seen: Mar 27, 2020
I agree with BigCat. There's absolutely no reason to believe that the product might turn toxic, even years after its expiration date. Few cases are kn...
Yeah, it tastes great, doesn't it?The time intervals when I intend to use it my goal is not building new muscle mass. I take it only with one goal in ...
I am taking around 40 grams daily, do you think that might be an effective dosage or should I increase it? By the way, in the case it is useless, coul...
Were it "in SOME whey supplements" it would have had a lot more credibility than asserting "in MOST", as they do. In any case, most of these reports t...
Probably because estrogens tend to protect the scalp hair follicle.Exp Dermatol. 2002 Aug;11(4):376-80.Click here to read Links17alpha-estradiol induc...
I'd say yes, refrigerate it. However, I don't have any data to suggest that, if not refrigerated, it would degrade. But I have always read that you sh...
If you were taking 500mg/wk of Test, yes, I'd say it makes a lot of sense. On the one hand, by blocking Dht conversion, there's more test available, w...
Re: finasteride: effects on overall body composition quote: During Tren use I also noticed very mild gyno for the first time. I have read that the eff...
BigCat,I haven't been able to fully understand what you have told me. Perhaps we are misunderstanding each other.I still cannot understand why your DH...
Re: Re: Re: Non-aromatase related estrogenic effects from androgen use Posted by: Big Cat 5alpha reduction is quantitatively in the same order as aro...
Posted by: Big Cat However, ishikawa et al (2005) demonstrate that estrogenic effects do take place in aromatase negative mice, and they are blocked ...
Re: Non-aromatase related estrogenic effects from androgen use Posted by: Big Cat Not only can effects of this nature not be blocked by aromatase inh...
Re: How do you lower libido ? Posted by: Big Cat Any tips on lowering libido, keeping in mind that the goal is to gain muscle and not lose it, and th...
Goanabolics has a great site. Everything you could want when it comes to AAs. Blends, blends, and blends. I get stuck on the blends page. Many payment...