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Joined: Jun 25, 2018
Last seen: Aug 27, 2019
Topics: 5 / Replies: 61
RE: My Melanotan II experience..

What is your skin type (Fitzpatric Scale)?What was your dosage?What was your cycle length?Enhenced libido is usually achieved at higher dosages.

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 3441
RE: Libido problems

Low test levels

6 years ago
RE: Controlling Blood Pressure While On

Aspirin is a blood thinner which in turn allows easier flow through veins and arteries. This in turn will in fact lower blood pressure. Check out this...

6 years ago
RE: Controlling Blood Pressure While On

I'd say low dose aspirin... 81mg ED. Unless you have stomach issues aspirin should do the trick.

6 years ago
RE: Looking to get started on the long road to health

I've not used it personally but I am hearing great reviews of camphibolic. You can get it at the CEM Store as well. Check it out.

7 years ago
RE: Looking to get started on the long road to health

The one supplement that I will say you may really want to look into getting is cyanocobalamin. It is a form of injectable b-12. It will do wonders for...

7 years ago
RE: Looking to get started on the long road to health

If you can manage that sure. A set schedule is always a good thing but few of us live in such a perfect world. Mostly what is ment is workout on the d...

7 years ago
RE: Looking to get started on the long road to health

Just a page from my own journal. I am 5'8" with a huge frame. I have been up to 350#, I started losing with a 2800 calorie a day diet and light exerci...

7 years ago
RE: Looking to get started on the long road to health

Don't worry about supps right now. First get your diet, sleep, and workouts on tract. See how you progress. When you have specific areas that you want...

7 years ago
RE: Raw Egg Whites?

Protein in cooked eggs are more bioavailable than raw, and wole eggs more than egg whites. But raw eggs are still a great source of protein just make ...

7 years ago
RE: Looking to get started on the long road to health

That is a huge question and if you want the right answer for you I would suggest getting a persoal trainer. In short strokes you need to eat right, at...

7 years ago
RE: Wrestling weight and muscle

Move up in weight class. The work out you do as a wrestler are hard on your body. Yo-Yo dieting, heavy cardio, etc. are all going to tear down muscle....

7 years ago
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