Last seen: Aug 27, 2019
Great to hear. I had massive gains with it too. The worst side I had was lethargy. I was a little irritable but that could have been attributed to my ...
Posted by: jboldman i would not take any if you did not really need it however if appropriate, infrequent use of nsaids should not cause harm.jb Agre...
I used M1T with 4AD and loved them. Sides are harsh. Start with 5mg a day and ramp up to whatever is comfortable. The stuff is far stronger than Dbol ...
Right now you will have to get it from China. It works best as a nasal spray or as a SQ injection. Orally you will have to really increase the dosage....
This is how I like my oats:IceAdd skim milk to 16 oz1 cup oats2 scoops protein powderTsp peanut buttertbsp pure cocoa1 bananaBlend and enjoy.
Most likely it is the increase in your BP. I would first try using aspirin in the morning. Seeb if that helps.
It is not going to reduce your fat levels magically no. What it does is speeds up you heart rate and your metabolism. You will have increased energy. ...
Depends on you. Albuterol is better than clenbuterol. It has fewer sides, easier to manage in that it only lasts for about 4 hours at a dose but will ...
You should try CEM Dutasteride it has no PPG in it at all. Also Have you tried topical Spiro. Works great at stopping hairloss due to DHT without syst...
I wouldn"t want to have it for dinner but in small quantities it is fine. It is used in almost everything from pharmacuticals to lotions to god knows ...
Hooker... Don't you just love JCEM. I've been doing a lot of research there lately.
Hooker Let us know when that comes out. I'd love to read it.
The best place to start right now is Anabolics 2005 by William Llewelyn.
Personally I like them grilled with some cayanne and topped with some lemon and lime, throw in some wild rice, or a baked potato smothered in salsa
Sexual position??? Shit I've forgotten what sex is.