Last seen: Apr 6, 2020
this pillsbury dude has the most non relevant comments I've seen on about five threads... I wish I was a moderator :P
i used to run 3 laps a day on a track... never had a problem.. but when switching to running on grass.. it seems soft to hard surfaces caused splints ...
i eat half of a power bar and an iso-pure 40g whey isolate drink before working out, half after following 25g soy 25g whey later on and never get sore...
hi guys I've only been a couple of weeks on my new diet. I try to eat alot of low GI carbs, except after my workout I'll have some hi gi's like malode...
it's like razor burn bumps but they're not red..just small bumps..some on the forehead. I shave like a week at a time before i see the girl lol.. less...
Sciroxx test p100 Sciroxx Mastodex 100. Product quality is up there just as good as any other lab . Ran the sciroxx test p100 at 500 per week 12 weeks...
My post shake is all this in one:Protein 25GCarbs 41G (malo, dex)Vit. C 100mgVitamin E 200mgcalcium 150mgWorks good for me :O Mag. 240mgsodium 220mgPo...
Was a bit dubious of using an on line supplier but so glad I did, just ordered a small order first then uped them till I had all I needed for my cycle...
I thought homogenized milk caused heart disease? What about homogenized milk and pasterized milk? Compared to regular milk right outta the cow ??? My ...
do some research it's pretty powerful and can keep you awake for all hours
nlarge2 or some weightgainer gold works good....I bulked up good on nlarge2....10lbs gone in no time!!!