Last seen: Apr 27, 2019
Hi Hillbilly. I've never seen any. I know winemakers use citric acid powder, but I've never seen it in tablet form, nor acetic acid.If you eat salads ...
I'm just filling a shot glass half full and downing it right before every meal or post workout carb/amino replacement. fb47, whom I actually know pers...
Hey fb, welcome to the board. Citric acid does have the same effect, but I could not find this paper at the U to figure out dosages and how it compare...
Yes, kbrkbr. By blocking glycolysis (the burning of carbs for fuel) in skeletal muscle, it forces more of those carbs to be stored as glycogen for lat...
quote:45 secs balls out, three minutes rest. x10.Thanks. At least now I have a plan. I was just trying to get to where I could run up to the top of th...
As to your second question, I really don't know. It makes sense, if you are insulin resistant from GH use, as many people are, or even from anabolic s...
Yes. The chronic hyperglycemia of type 2 diabetes is directly toxic to pancreatic beta cells. People aren't sure of the exact mechanism but oxidative ...
I would probably start by moving insulin from the cutting list to the bulking list.
quote: I assume the use of it would be temporary (i.e. cutting phases) and not used constantly. With that in mind I don't think the ailments are a fac...
quote: I mostly had queer socialists as my professors.I had my share of those in the obligatory liberal arts classes I had to take (and which were pro...
quote:Back to the nicotine, arsenic is a "gift" from god as well.Now you are being just plain cynical. Obviously nicotine can't be put in the same cat...
I know you mean no disrespect, Ike. I've said I have a smoke with my cocktail before dinner, but I don't believe smoking is the way to get the most fr...
I started going back over some older creatine studies, and although I never noticed it before, the fat sparing effect of creatine has shown up in earl...
I wonder what the effects of blocking PDGFRbeta on tendinosis would be?Rheumatology (Oxford) 2001 Mar;40(3):256-61 Related Articles, Links Increased c...
That could be, or maybe the length of the study. The one where creatine shifted substrate utilization from fat to carbs lasted 3 weeks whereas the oth...