Joined: Jun 23, 2018
Last seen: Apr 27, 2019
Topics: 12 / Replies: 178
RE: Why is insulin done right after a workout?

It was only just recently discovered that the androgen receptor is downregulated after a workout, likely as part of overall workout related protein br...

7 years ago
RE: Why is insulin done right after a workout?

It turns out that after a strenuous workout, both cortisol and Testosterone levels climb, while the number of androgen receptors decline. The androgen...

7 years ago
RE: Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

quote:I still don't get were he gets prostaglandins up-regulate the AR's thoughThis is my problem as well. There is actually quite a bit of research o...

7 years ago
RE: Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

I'm wondering if this is the train of logic he is following. PGF2-alpha is believed to exert its antiadipogenic effect by blocking the peroxisome prol...

7 years ago
RE: Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

Ever since I first heard that claim I've looked far and wide for any research to support it. What a bizarre thing to just make up out of the blue, but...

7 years ago
RE: Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

Thanks, Blade. Or maybe not...

7 years ago
RE: Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

quote:Raybravo, I think you need to stop listening to that Rea guyI was wondering who was responsible for the idea that pgf2-alpha increases AR densit...

7 years ago
RE: Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

quote: Who would think learning about steroids and other compounds would be just like school.I don't know, I look back and think college was the happi...

7 years ago
RE: Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

quote:Did I make some sort of an ignorant comment?What makes you think that? I don't think anyone has been flaming you. I hope you did not get that im...

7 years ago
RE: Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

quote:I still don't belive that Eq will cause a HCT elevation that is significant when compared to that caused by other androgensI honestly don't know...

7 years ago
RE: Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

quote: Any thoughts on MAcro's responses?If it's one thing I always try to stress here iced is do your own research and try to draw your own conclusio...

7 years ago
RE: Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

quote:I'm actually looking at EPO+EQ as we speak...but this is untested groundI am glad you stressed the potential health concerns about stacking EPO ...

7 years ago
RE: Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

In my mind the myth here is that EQ is superior to all other AAS in terms of erythropoiesis. I have seen this posted numerous places with no documenta...

7 years ago
RE: Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

Well, in rats that are engineered not to produce hepatic IGF, growth of the rats, including skeletal muscle development, is still normal. This suggges...

7 years ago
Replies: 59
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