Last seen: Apr 27, 2019
I was always under the impression that dbol was a very poor substrate for 5 alpha reductase. Instead its 5 reduced metabolites were all of the 5 beta ...
Would this be the selfsame hepatic igf-1 we are referring to? Well as that rat study showed where they blocked hepatic IGF-1 production, it's not need...
I wanted to get back to this to note how hard it is to draw conclusions from any one study at this point. The study quoted from below is quite recent,...
Wouldn't insulin resistance lead to greater body fat disposal due to the fact that your body will have to turn to its own stores for energy since it c...
Androgens have so many other lipolytic effects, like elevating IGF-1, either locally or hepatically, increasing hormone sensitive lipase, and decreasi...
Seriously Fonz, progesterone agonists have the opposite effect: they induce insulin resistance. I just presented numerous examples. In men, progestins...
quote:Increased estrogen is directly linked to a reduction in Glucose Disposal.It is actually a bit more complex than that. Estrogen exerts a biphasic...
I don't think the hypertrophy itself is bad because exercise often leads to ventricular hypertrophy in humans, especially in highly trained athletes. ...
They published their results using testosterone in a separate paper. SOP to generate more publications from one study.
I've never seen any research on whether it is anabolic in humans. Interestingly, it is anabolic in rats but CATABOLIC in pigs. I guess it depends on w...