Last seen: Apr 27, 2019
Good point, SWALE. We have touched on this a bit.It certainly does not hurt to reemphasize the point. People so often speak of "estrogen related" wate...
This is particularly interesting: a non-genomic mechanism whereby estrogen increases water retention in female rodents but not males. I wasn't aware o...
Most people claim they do, but I have not seen any research to support that. In fact as I mentioned to you those drugs are really SERMS: estrogenic in...
I'd bet SWALE would prescribe it if you didn't mind paying his "consultation fee". We should try to get him to give a discount to CEM members. (SWALE,...
For Testosterone production it is not important at all. To induce spermatogenesis, FSH, either stimulated "naturally" by administering recombinant GnR...
I got a copy of the entire article, which may not bode well for ephedrine, either. clenbuterol, like ephedrine, causes the release of stored norepinep...
Unfortunately, the text was not worded clearly at all. They could have meant 10,000 IU in divided doses. This would be more in line with what my PDR r...
If you ask me, the dangers of the possibility of getting BPH pale in comparison with cardiac myocyte cell death! Has anyone ever croaked from BPH, whi...
quote:Does hmg stimulate sertoli cells? I always wondered if hcg and fsh would be the way to treat thisYes it does stimulate Sertoli cells, hopefully ...
It's ironic that the ban on ephedra containing supplements has likely driven people away from relatively safe thermogenics like the E/C stack to much ...
Here is a little more background on the guy :A 27-year-old woman was referred by her general practitioner because of a 1-year history of primary subfe...
quote:And could someone please explain to me how any form of exogenous test, even in the form of androgel, won't suppress your natural test production...