Last seen: May 23, 2019
Yes.. I ended a Prop/Tren cycle about a month before these tests... So that's probably the cause of that... I will try to find bloodwork from a few ye...
Well... My last thyroid panel was done after being clean for quite a while... about 4 months from my last T3 tab at that time... These were the result...
Posted by: Nandi12 The new low end of 0.3 is good news for mystery_meat then, which means he is even "more normal". (Not that he is normal by any str...
I will look at it in detail later on today... However, the first thing that jumps out is the Faxseed oil in your post-workout shake... Take it out... ...
I would focus on the other parts of your program. Say diet (you must eat enough), workout (you must workout enough; but watch out you don't over do it...
I would run Arimidex (I know some people rather use femara; but I stick to this one), specially during the first 6 weeks... I would run it at .5mg ED ...
Here is what I would sugest based on what you are planning..I asume your EQ is 200mg/ml, and your sust is 250mg/ml. That makes it perfect for:THe foll...
Most alternatives to steroids will not do what they claim.. at least such has been my experience, and that of most people I know... At this point in m...
Posted by: bjjfighter How bout the myth that drinking winny is just as effective as IM.? I think this will answer your question... The two are not ev...
Posted by: Nandi12 Hi Hillbilly. I've never seen any. I know winemakers use citric acid powder, but I've never seen it in tablet form, nor acetic aci...
If you are bulking, then I see no need for T3... As for clen, I would use it post cycle because of its anti-catabolic properties, as well as to be abl...
IMO the main difference, other than the duration, between these two esthers is water retention... I have a tendency to retain more water on Enan than ...
Well... here is my take.. I much rather Quad injections because of two main things:1. I can easily inject 3cc's in my quads, vs 2 cc's at most on the ...