Last seen: Jun 1, 2022
You really need to do your research with slin, its can be a very dangerous drug if used wrong.
I would say LIV52 is a better choice for me. I dont think Milk thistle hinders gains but i do think LIV52 is somewhat better at improving liver functi...
Sounds like the same one that one of my boys had and if so then your gtg brotha. Im with them tho, gains may be slow and not as significant due to the...
Im not scared of needles at all.....hehe kinda like them.. Ive been on around four cycles all with injectables. thanks for the help boys
I understand that Stanabol is more for cutting and hardening of the muscles, as apose to androl which is for mass and weight gain, but can they be use...
I was looking at diffrent sites and some say that the range for stanabol for men is between 15-30mg and others say its up to 100mg?? not sure? any hel...
Thanks for all the help guys!
Thank you. Do you know why it is harder to overtrain on oxydrol? if thats true. Yall are the best!
I have been researching and i have been told by many sites that it is unlikely to overtrain while on androl!!! Is this true and if it is can i work my...
Yes test E....Its your first cycle and i bet you want to shoot as least amount of times as you have to and its a single esterd test which i prefer ove...