Last seen: Feb 16, 2021
Quality is great. No pip at all. Tren gives me horrendous night sweats. Have to change sheets every night. Started this run off at 198 lbs and am curr...
Posted by: Tazmaniac Taurine is great...for having to make you pee It actually is the one of the best remedies for constipation as it helps p...
Re: Nolvadex and hair loss. why? Posted by: duchaine A lot of guys repost hair loss while they take Nolvadex.Why does it happen?a) because redu...
Posted by: Restless Actually, I am under the impression that every little thing will effect the release rate. I tend to agree..I don't know how much ...
Posted by: Nytol2 BB is probably not needed to get TE into solution, but to me it is about more than just getting it to hold, I want a pain free, nic...
Posted by: jboldman i always mix my enathate up at 200mg/ml using 2%bb, 5-10%bb. 5 % is actually enough since enanthate is so easy to make up but i u...
Posted by: jboldman why not keep the ba at 1-2 percent and just increase the bb. Less painfull and just as effective.jb So what would be the best #'s...
Got my order in 10 days. Everything arrived intact and I started pinning my hcg right away. Within 2 weeks at 1400mcg ew my balls are functioning prop...
Posted by: Fonz Less insulin present in the blood stream = less fat gain(lipogenesis) = More FFA's released(Lipolysis) energyGlycogen storage by your...
Posted by: Trevdog I had a lot of fatigue during the day and slept more at night. The fatigue I dealt with by upping caffiene, but it was still an is...
Here's a link from MuscleChemistry that will answer a lot of the questions about this stuff...***********
Thanks Psimonkey..I've seen these studies before and was always aware of DL-phen as a mood enhancer through PEA..the problem is it hasn't worked for m...
This interests me as I like to use Ultram (tramadol) for its mood enhancing (opiate ) effects..150mg puts me in a wonderful state of mind..especially ...
Posted by: Evoke Thank's for the heads up Miggy. i just had blood test work done a few months ago and doc gave me a copy of results, do you know what...
Posted by: Evoke Will you guys look at this and tell me if you think it's the right androgel?looks like i can order it without a script Not the righ...