Last seen: Dec 27, 2023
hahahaah, i ph33r tren cough, hope i never get hit with it! how bad is it really? or is it just like your average coughing fit.
yea was on chinese for 2 weeks, not very happy at all, after only one dose of this homemade stuff im pretty impressed so far, i cant imagine what im g...
hahahahah fuck me backwards i look forward to it :p ohhhweeeeee!!!! fuck at this rate ima have to bring a change of clothes into work each day! :o
Wow think this stuff has kicked in, i was on some crappy chinese gear for last 2 weeks didnt feel much at all, think i was underdosing but last night ...
what dose are you on mate, it sounds good :p
Diet is ok, lots of food im hungry as! sleep is about 7 hours a night i could probably do with more, just felt real drained last 2-3 weeks, hoping it ...
been on for 1.5 weeks, very very lethargic and strength is down like 25% not sure what is going on here, feel generally crap, will keep at it and see ...
hmm strange i havent coughed yet or gotten the metallic taste, but i am alot moodier and even my boss said sumthin today, feel very agro
Noticed today at work im starting to get real hot and swetaing all of a sudden then it goes, this is happening every 10mins or so, damn this stuff is ...
Yea thats what im thinking, hopefully another week or so and ill kick into gear, but at the moment i feel like doing nbothing but sleeping!
Ok almost one week in and i feel very lethargic and my whole body aches after workouts, is this normal, on last cycle i felt great, should i up the do...
Oh yes he is a big fan, only thing im not keen on is the E2D shots and spot injections, so far ive done delts, tri's, quads, gonna try calves and trap...
Yea pretty wierd dreams, i was up running around in my sleep last night hahaah, no cough yet.
Having trouble sleeping! had 3rd shot tonight, got about 2 hours sleep last night, popped some valerian but still couldnt sleep, veins are starting to...
i just used HCG, Clomid,nolva PCT, BF stayed the same aswell maybe dropped half a percent on first cycle so yea i made some nice gains! im at 16.7% BF...