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Joined: May 23, 2019
Last seen: Dec 2, 2023
Topics: 1 / Replies: 5
RE: Reviews

Great place to order from. Always reliable! Will get back to you with any questions you haveLifetime customer won't order from anywhere else their gea...

1 year ago
RE: ...Would "YOU???"

As for the dinitro......if such a proceedure is/were at all feasable, "perhaps" something like intravenous chelation therapy could be used to "detox" ...

5 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 1620
RE: GH - (ed verses eod)

GR8 post JB! As for those dosages, we were only taking three times the amount I was going to take now, & we had definitive results with that dosag...

6 years ago
RE: GH - (ed verses eod)

One of the "tricks" I used to employ [back in the day] was to "lightly" coat the capsules (except for a small spot at the very tip of the small end) w...

6 years ago
RE: GH - (ed verses eod)

My doc. [now retired ] was really GR8! He was willing to help me out with "unapproved" uses for many med's. [There's a huge book (like the PDR, but bi...

6 years ago