Last seen: Dec 20, 2022
Hey loophole, do you know of anyone actually atempting these procedures? Do you have any chemistry background? My figures are something like this: 100...
Also the first one is also been verified to be %100 effective!! You will get a lower yield of testosterone and a mixture of all the possible androsten...
Hey ceck this one out cyclone SYNTHESIS OF TESTOSTERONE FROM DHEA Testerone from bacteria culture US Patent # 2,236,574 Suspend 40g yeast in 160 ml wa...
Dont want to respond in public????? e-mail me @: [email protected] thanks and BUMP!!!
Bump!!!!! someone knows please help bros out!!!
I just got an email from a professional chemist who finds it unlikely that NaBH4 would be that selective with androstenedione. He goes on to tell that...
Androstenedione is a molecule with one ketone function, and one alpha,beta-unsaturated ketone function. Reduction of the simple ketone function only (...
well all I can say from this thread is amphetamines are absolutley traumatic!!!! This shit turned me into a person that is not me....if you did the sh...
Good idea mike. 1. Methamphetamine- Turned me into a skinny psycho gun carrying drug dealer destroyed myself as well as family and freinds etc. etc. e...
I saw a great overseas source that occasionally has them they were selling them for $1 a mg.....I wouldnt pay that but a whole lot a people did as the...
Hell the small talk we have here about illegal drugs isnt going to draw scrutiny from law enforcement now this place will: www.the-hive.ws www.rhodium...
Well I can say F*ck you I dont need any help. I smoke a little pot and take a roll maybe once a month and I dont think that is going to affect my gain...