Eminent Member
Joined: Aug 30, 2022
Last seen: Oct 2, 2024
Topics: 2 / Replies: 40
RE: CYP question

yup around 4 weeks....ahhh how great it is, when it hits ahhhhh ****memories*** memories**** memories**** LOL.. its one of those things thats worth th...

2 years ago
RE: AS healing capabilities?

I've read Articles that in other countries that they give "steroids" to patients after plastic surgery such as nose jobs etc, where the bone is broken...

2 years ago
RE: AS healing capabilities?

i know they have side-effects.. i mentioned one of them its catabolic.. its not bad info,, it does help with any swelling which would help it heal fas...

2 years ago
RE: AS healing capabilities?

maybe those other steroids, cortisonesteroids.. not sure what they're exactly called.. they're not anabolic, but are in fact kinda catabolic, but anwa...

2 years ago
RE: taking expired multi-vitamins dangerous? LOL

yah i'm gonna keep taking those LOL

2 years ago
RE: What's your creatinine level?

i cant believe theres a stupid creatinine level test... End of civilization is near.. I wanna take a TUNA fish level test, can we do that?

2 years ago
RE: Flavored Air

NICE!!! havent seen it.

2 years ago
RE: is it gay to shave even in offseason?

Same here just abs.. but thats cause i havent I'm not that hairy at all.. i still look normal as far as that is concerned.

2 years ago
RE: tetrahydrogestrinone

yah, apparently its TREN, disguised in a way that was undetectable until now,, and apparently its taken sublingually.

2 years ago
RE: Low blood sugar=bloat?

interesting... could make sense.. first time i actually heard that lil tidbit. why does taking insulin shots bloat a person? and that is a proven fact...

2 years ago
RE: do you guys ever eat in the middle of a workout??

Originally posted by biggreene well personally i dont think i have a problem with working hard. That is why i was wondering. Will sipping on a gatorad...

2 years ago
RE: Noxious gas emitting from ass due to diet

You're lucky if it takes u 400 grams of protein to get gas... i fart at much lower levels lol

2 years ago
RE: Migraine from GH or Insulin

never had a migraine, so cant really answer for sure.. but yah too much insulin, or not enough food, makes u go hypoglycemic which can give u a headac...

2 years ago
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