Eminent Member
Joined: Jul 26, 2018
Last seen: May 28, 2019
Topics: 1 / Replies: 39
RE: Perfect Post-Work Out Consumable

My pre-workout nutrition:30g whey isolate150g bananaMy post-workout nutrition:30g whey hydrollisate170g pine-apple2g creatine monohydrate(followed an ...

6 years ago
RE: Alarming Warning for Men Who Drink Milk

jb, as you might remember I see nothing wrong with saturated fat health-wise (and neither does my body as proven by blood tests).Apart from that: not ...

6 years ago
RE: Alarming Warning for Men Who Drink Milk

Posted by: jboldman take some calcium supplements and avoid the extra calories and fat.jb Based on this?? Besides I need the extra calories and fat

6 years ago
RE: High cholestrol

Just to add a different point of view (which I happen to share ), maybe the high cholesterol isn't that big of a deal since a clear (causal) link betw...

6 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 2576
RE: Mass building when strength training?

quote:I was speaking more generally about increased strength usually leading to hypertrophy...eventually.Wasn't reacting to your statements, but those...

6 years ago
RE: Mass building when strength training?

In my personal experience hypertrophy has more to do with the total rep volume I use than the reprange. If I do a lot of reps a week for a bodypart (1...

6 years ago
RE: When to change up a workout?

quote:Another point often overlooked that taking a week off from the gym now and then giving the body a full rest often leads to renewed gains.= perio...

6 years ago
RE: When to change up a workout?

Agree with guijir a 100% on the importance of variation for continual adaptations.But instead of looking at it as changing up your routine from time t...

6 years ago
RE: Cardio when bulking?

agree, always good ideaIMO it helps with muscle growth (in combination with enough calories of course) by speeding up your metabolism

6 years ago
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