Eminent Member
Joined: Aug 5, 2019
Last seen: Sep 2, 2020
Topics: 3 / Replies: 20
RE: Bill Roberts 2-4 cycle, sust or test e?

I will do test e, after reading the anabolics 2006-profile on this there is no reason at all to chose sust, on the contrary, sust will stay active lon...

5 years ago
RE: long or short?

I can remember a rule on another board being time off = time on + time full htpa recovery + 1-2 weeks extra.With a 2 weeker this would be 5-6 weeks.Oh...

5 years ago
RE: anavar and prolactin

oh and another thing var-relatedWhat will be the difference in strength gains after the cycle between var only and var + creatine, after you quit crea...

5 years ago
RE: anavar and prolactin

aye, I had a very bad libido after tren for over 6 weeks, even tho I was only on it for 3 weeks. It might have been prolactin, as when it improved sli...

5 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 4283
RE: oral only cycle

oxymetholone is one of those huge on cycle, back small again off cycle. Gains are 80-90% water, and it will go back down once u quit. Very poor choice...

5 years ago
RE: Visceral fat.

so will fluoxymesterone, being an anti-glucocorticoid, increase the possibility of buring viceral fat? I hope so as I'm using it right now as a cutter...

5 years ago
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