Last seen: Sep 8, 2020
Posted by: Ulliequads Nice find...get that mattyd on LOl!!! How I wish I was German... Are u crazy? All those 6' chicks with incredible bods;leave it...
they must know about it,women use it alot to increase test quick,they cannot be tested for it tho.It works weii at low dose too.Hcg etc are not often ...
Clarke is correct (as always)3days;they do test for HCG(men only) so they would prob test for Hmg.M/track
Yes smokers have higher crits;dont reach for the chesterfields dudes.M/track
Yes an athelete with a 48% nat Hct will not neccessarily be stronger than an athelete with a 40-42% nat Hct.The body compensates for it in other ways;...
I dont know anyone who has used Wasp Sq only IV the detection time for IV would be less than SQ;but do not know definitive figures . Interesting study...
I do know WASP(darpotein alpha) protocol for endurance not for BB tho.Are u tested?WASP can stay in system for a couple of months ;works quicker than ...
You can go to lab and they will do blood test;but they may only send the results to ur doc.why should u have to pay for a docs consultation for every ...
Wingate ;hav,nt heard that used for a while;good luck .What is ur transferrin saturation should be at least 20%.M/track
Andriol or androxon work well for some;but not for others ;i love it ;but only use for reco not for specific cycle.This method works for me;but can ma...
Re: Cyclocross Cycle Posted by: Piston With the cyclocross season coming to an end, I am trying to setup my '08-'09 plans. With the intensity and sho...
Block out means cortico has made legs virtualy useless.M/track
Transferrin saturation should be at least 20% NOT 42% as i stated.I am not a doc. sorry for wrong info i was thinking of something else,also i am not ...
RG I did not intend to go that high;but i did not test fe for 3 weeks for riding related reasons and when i did that was the result;i was looking at 2...
Sat is not high should be at least 42% also serum ferretin is also not high 165.They are low levels for E cycle;but should still be ok as long as u ar...