Last seen: Sep 8, 2020
Increase in RBC means increase in appetite.M/track
I have used arimi many times;works ok but does not stop WR completely.Mild Pottasium sparing Diuretic, ie dyazide and anti E works.MAD
I have same prob.only test that does not give me water is andriol;and it is too expensive to cycle on a regular basis.M/track
Yes BP can be a prob. with smaller doses of Tren Also;i always check BP 2x PW if i use now.I once got nosebleeds during race; i checked BP; was high,t...
EQ is only really effective at 16 weeks;it will shut u down badly and u will put on weight,are the negatives.Strength and raise in Hb are the positive...
Posted by: KingMassimo What makes you say this track?Eprex has always worked best for me,I have used most of the Chinese E,s and amgen,aranesp(works ...
All makes of E can cause PRC when SQ method is used for mainly dialysis patients;PRC has been reported in 1/10,000 cases per patient /year after month...
Ket is used to extend life of clen(after 2 weeks clen starts to lose effectiveness)It also has a sedative effect supposedly similar to diazepam.I have...
Posted by: MaxWatts Mad- How would you suggest using salbutamol in addition to caffeine? Timing, dosage, etc. I use 100mg caff. 1hr b4 ride--then 100...
Both reports are true from my experience;caffein also works well with salbutamol.There are actually different caffeins too:caffein CIT/ Aik last longe...
never used that one king.Venofer and cosmofer were good(human grade)I used generics which were not so good.Some fe inj is for IM only;these usually ha...
I have used IM fe many times--1. the quality if IM fe is a major factor. 2. the injection protocol is important. 3. IM inj works quicker and lower dos...
Keep ur bod dude(and the chicks);ride track at ur weight u can do endurance and endurance sprinting (kilo etc)I also raced road in a team my job was t...
Am using halo now for the first time; seems good so far;I have used Abombs(anadrol)on the track in endurance and endurance sprinting with good results...
Where is it manufactured and how is it dispensed --redijects /lyph powder etc.It is prob a known brand manufactured under licence ;but with a differen...