Last seen: Sep 8, 2020
Zipp what is approx. weight gain at 250test E P/W . Thanks M/Track.
Hct and Hb readings will sometimes vary,like better says u will get a feeling if the reading is wrong and then u re-test,some readings are innacurate ...
Posted by: door I think i would prefer a lancet. I dont mind injecting, but pulling blood makes me feel wierd. I will not be pushing the limits while...
I use both ,even with Hb tester u have to stick a lancet in the end of ur finger it hurts more than an IV shot.If I am using E IV my most accurate Hb ...
Posted by: Vegeta86 I'm running it so long because my education/training is about that duration and I can't afford a dip.I think I'll keep the test a...
Endurance atheletes need cortisone,many riders use corticosteroids to assist performance,can be a major prob. if used regularly. Body builders and pow...
He did,nt mean 19nor(rubbish) He meant nandrolone phenyl. --short ester --low water --great 4 joints. M/track
They would never clear u for Vit "E": which is the only drug that is going to help u in competition unless u are a track rider;AAS help alot 4 trainin...
Posted by: rawdog how r u running the cycle? 1 tab PD (50mg) it is a pure androgen,so far sides minimal at 3 weeks.Also 50mg prop. 2p/w. and of cours...
I am using IP,s --so called oral masteron --real name mestanalone(no it is not mesterlone--proviron) worked OK for the East Germans so I am not compla...
Yes I heard of chelated iron;never tried it tho.there are alot of dodgy iron supps out there that dont work ,I may give chelated a try .I use an expen...
I use oral approx.200mg elemental iron p/d. you get ur iron levels and stores tested B4 E. cycle. M/track
If u continue with fe after cessation of E you should not get secondary anaemia.(I have had it from stopping fe too soon after course of E,I would,nt ...
Posted by: Ulliequads I have a hell of a time getting anything here (Aus). Customs are tight and Eq is a vet drug...Dbol was a mission and a half and...
I dont think it will do much 4 Hct ;but will make u feel better after hard training/race.All AAS increase RBC,can u grt EQ where u are that works for ...