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Joined: Jul 25, 2019
Last seen: Dec 16, 2019
Topics: 10 / Replies: 58
Replies: 2
Views: 1160
RE: HGH for the edurance guys

And what about duration? When do you start to see/feel the effects?

5 years ago
RE: HGH for the edurance guys

Posted by: dario I do 2.5iu's/day. Don't think it's done anything for me except leaned me out. How long have you been on it? Also, is this a "stadard...

5 years ago
RE: HGH for the edurance guys

Oh come on. I know some of you endurance guys have had at least some expericnece so lets hear it.

5 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 1175
RE: Mirtazapine as Anticortisol - Good Choice?

Welcome j.c. Now send us your women

6 years ago
RE: metabolic syndrome

Posted by: RaetherEnt Because unfortunately in todays times, if a doctor prescribes enough medications they'll get kickbacks from the drug reps...Vac...

6 years ago
RE: CyoGenX

Come on, surely someone knows something about this one?

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1128
RE: metabolic syndrome

Posted by: RaetherEnt Because unfortunately in todays times, if a doctor prescribes enough medications they'll get kickbacks from the drug reps...Vac...

6 years ago
RE: Injecting too close to the Ciadic nerve

Yeah, I thought about diluting, but it's been so painful I'm afraid to mess with it anymore. I've got really good gear now and will just go with it. M...

6 years ago
RE: Injecting too close to the Ciadic nerve

Home brew cyp from a trusted source. I'm not saying the gear is bunk, it just takes a hell of a lot more of a man to handle it then me. I ran a low gr...

6 years ago
RE: Injecting too close to the Ciadic nerve

Turns out, it wasn't too close to ciadic, it's the gear. Just painful on a level I've never experienced before. Got a hold of some bad stuff guys. Don...

6 years ago
RE: Injecting too close to the Ciadic nerve

Posted by: guijr One would have problems with he's walking. And what does one do about that?

6 years ago
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