Last seen: Mar 2, 2025
i dunno i've used both and for some reason i prefer ephedra over ephedrine. i have no clinical data or info, just the herbal stuff always worked bette...
u can get a shotgun cheap at your local kmart/walmart. most states u take a hunter safety course once which is pretty cheap. licenses vary by state bu...
in my neck of the woods u can pick up london broils real cheap (like $5-6 for ~2.5lbs). when i was bulking i'd eat like one a day. also lean ground be...
bump for the chief of staff
good to see ya back here bro
hahahaha the manzere (sp?)
welcome back
it may shut you down if you take it for a few weeks but im thinking from what he posted he only took it one day
because dbol aromatizes. some people maybe more sensitive to gyno then others. you'd want clomid and an anti-e(just in case) if you've only taken 10mg...
save it til you get more.
this your first cycle? i'd run the sust longer than 6 weeks. u could do 500mgs sust and 400mg EQ a week. i'd run the sust for at least 10 weeks.
how long are you running it? with what else? give us some stats, cycle history...etc
Originally posted by sanctum2k yes, but when the nuts are started artificially, not only does test rise, but estro does too.... yea but not to a point...
bro, winstrol doesn't aromatize. no need for an anti-e.
i dont think he needs the nolva. he should be fine with just the clomid