Last seen: Feb 2, 2025
it must be me not the bromo then :D
Anyone experienced weird effect like making you tongue-tied and unable to pronounce certain words and making your speech a bit 'jerky' when using brom...
Originally posted by DrB2K Try alternating one week Clen and one week ECA (if you can get it now that they are cracking down :pissed: ). I have tried ...
Oh another question, whats the highest u guys have dosed for super clen? Am i right to say that divided dose spread out through the day is not necessa...
Thanks all, I stayed off for at least 4 weeks than get back on and its still no shake, no increased heart rate(tried that 2 times already) so i just s...
????? how long on what??? More info would be nice.
Same as acetate just that enthanate has a halflife of ~11 days and i think Hexahydrobenzyl is ~10 days(but i'm not to sure about Hexahydrobenzyl). Any...
Did u ask if his using tren enthanate or Hexahydrobenzyl carbonate? Maybe thats what their using so twice a week sounds fine.
Before anyone tries to flame me for the above :D Its just what i read somewhere :D :D
Alcohol increases the efficiency of the drug metabolism pathway by actually causing proliferation of cells responsible for that metabolism so if u dri...
Anyone think doing only either db or bb bench press is not the way to go? Anyone does only one of the above???
r-ala, ~300-400mg/day for liver protection, 600-800mg/day for partitioning effect. :)
LOL y don't u just get some new ones...its only muti-vit :D
So we're opposite of what they call teamplayer :D