Last seen: Jun 14, 2019
I don't know the exact numbers but I thought that the doc said that they were almost double what they should be. He tested ALT and AST and a couple ot...
Thanks bro. I'll try that out. I will be getting another liver enzyme test in a couple of weeks so hopefully this will help. I'm just nervous about th...
Re: Re: PCT and liver enzymes Posted by: liftsiron The winny was the main culprit in both liver enzymes and lipid levels, personally I won't touch th...
How would you set this (test/tren/masteron) stack up?For example if I want to use Test Enan and Tren Enan:Weeks 1-12 TestEnan/TrenEnan 900mg (Test600m...
Weeks 1-12 TestEnan/TrenEnan 900mg (Test600mg/Tren300mg)Weeks 7-12 winstrol 50 MG Every DayArmidex at .5 MG ED or EOD
Posted by: Nytol2 Pretty much as JB said, it gave me nothing above what I would expect from the test I was running with it.No hunger, or increased pu...
Posted by: gtrack That's a lot of winstrol.Why so much and why winstrol if i may ask ? I'm just going by Big Cats recommendations.
Posted by: jboldman what was the date of the posting of this cycle?jb 2004
Tren Ace, Test E, Dbol. Great quality products, did a 12 weeks bulking cycle. Gained 10 kg, did get some mild side effects as to be expected, but noth...
Nuts are fine. No I haven't considered HCG. I was hoping the Clomid and nolva would do the job.
Yes a cutter. I ran EQ400mg Weeks 1-10Test enth 500mgs weeks 1-10Test Prop 100mgs EOD weeks 11-15Tren Ace 100mgs EOD weeks 11-15Started 177lbs 13.8% b...