Last seen: Dec 20, 2024
I would run prop 100mg EOD weeks 1-10 EQ 500mg week 1-10 Winny 50mg ED week 7-10 I"d just use the clen along with clomid for PCT at about 125mcg a day...
I would run the sus250 for 12 weeks as it takes 5 or so to kick in. Winny 50mg ED due to short half life. I've never run HCG so I wont comment on it. ...
I rotate shots especially if shooting ED or EOD. My rule is never to shoot the same spot more then once a week. If you are only doing once a week shot...
1 inch 25g for all spots execpt glutes where I normally use 1.5inch.
Wake up! its almost noon ya lazy bastard! LOL
Well my first cycle was only 300mg test enanthate and I gained 20 pounds. Most people gain like mad for the first go round. However if I was to do it ...
prop should be used at 100mg EOD min IMO. 50mg tren ED is OK, I prefer 75, but 50 is fine too. I'd take 400mg deca a week, no need to split it up as i...
what is your mg/ml ratio?
Howmuch finaprop are you taking EOD?
I have heard that fina burns fat. I really didn't notice it myself but I know lots of guys that say it does. Guys that know what they are talking abou...
Steroids do not burn fat, they can alter the body fat percentage ratio. Totally different. More muscle plus same level of Bf = smaller total BF percen...
Agreed gear will NOT burn any fat. It should not be shot subq either. ONLY IM. Pgf2 might help for local fat loss, I've used transdermal but never the...
I would run sus250 for a min of 12 weeks as it takes about 5 weeks to kick in. Also i would run clomid for PCT, following the classic clomid schedule.
Yes many users get less weight gain when they stack dbol and a-dex. Much less bloat. Of course always run dbol with test.
It would seem that fina can cause severe respitory symtoms with continued use. That alone warrants caution. But everyone responds differenly. I find i...