Last seen: Dec 20, 2024
Math isn't my strong point You aren't running winny with PCT are you?
Omna is test. Also depedning what ester of test you are stacking omna with it would most likely not be feasable to alternate due to different half liv...
It's also possible BigWill was sneaking into her house when you were at work. Never let your guard down!
I know lots of guys that got their girls pregnant while still on gear. Test lowers sperm count but does not get rid of it totally, so yes it is possib...
I agree with the headaches. I didn't get much low back pain but DAMN! my head was sore. I prefer Dbol, but that is just me.
Most people, myself included, believe running any orals alone is a waste of gear.
I usually spread em out although many people are now taking the whole dose 1.5 hours pre workout. *side note never run dbol alone.
I have a bike at my place so I just get on it for 45mins in the AM and watch cartoons....or porn, whatever's on. If I do cardio at the gym I do like t...
With nolva might be OK, but I wouldn't risk it. I know lots of guys who got gyno from PH supps. If you already have it why risk making it worse?
I agree if taken 2 times a week, most users dont see major gains for 4-5 weeks. I have run it EOD and saw results pretty much right off the bat.
IMO you are wasting your time unless you shoot synthol. Also calf injects hurt like a bitch. Flex Wheeler is a synthol freak by the way, its true he d...
Originally posted by acidsk8 Cmon Willy we know you love PH's lol LOL My reputation precedes me. I'm tired of arguing with 'The Bolex supp Gurus'. Som...
Cant see any PH's helping DURING a cycle. 400mg of test is a decent cycle, gains should be good on their own.
depends on your cycle history.
If you do run winny I would do it ED as it has a very short half life.