Last seen: Dec 20, 2024
10mg dbol first thing in AM is the standard bridge
Nice training partners there bro!
Still around I think. They were cut from Oliver Stones NBK. David and Paul I think their names are. They did some monster Rev grip benches, and 150lbs...
I trained clean form 14-26. Now I plan on being on for the rest of my life (or for many, many years anyway). I still gain good post cycle. Mostly stre...
3-4 days per week. Either MWF or MT-TF Currently running a WSB routine 4 days a week
I ONLY take it post workout. IMO taking slin throughout the day is very dangerous. Some take it first thing in AM then post workout. But for me I've m...
Before I spot someone I always ask what they want exactly. Just someone there in case of emergencies, a little push at the sticking point, a lift off ...
I would definalty read up on PCT if I were you. I'd also run something for your liver. I always do even on a light cycle. It doesn't hurt any. I'd jus...
30mg Dbol ED for the first 4 weeks should work well with the test. Nice and basic.
Currently on WSB routine: M: ME squat T: ME bench T: DE squat F: DE Bench Monday: good mornings, pull throughs, hypers, abs Tuesday: board press, lyin...
Bro read the first thread you started about subq Vs. IM on the main board. Steroids MUST be shot IM. Never subq.
Depends on mg/ml ratio.
smaller the numba the bigger the stabber!
Perhaps if your english isn't that good you misunderstood the info you received but steriods cannot be shot subq. By subq we mean into the fat. YOu pi...
I would't run it post cycle. I just stick with clomid and nolva. Mid cycle it is worthwhile for some users.