Last seen: Jan 22, 2025
I'm really jealous Brando. Suck it up while your there. :D
MMMM, nothing like cutting a fresh couple of slabs of rib fillet of a carcess hung over night for breakfast. Making me drool. LOL:smiliedro Welcome al...
Nice calves s2k. what about some other body parts please?
Elf we might be related also.LOL Seriously though all you can do is give it 100% and if it's only 30kg so be it, soon it will be 40,50,60 theres no en...
Can someone be more specific with warming oils?? thanks
MC i think it would depend on what powder you used and what you made it on, if you made your shakes on water and the powder was low in carbs you think...
I cook up an egg white omlette and add some tuna and lowfat motzeralla shredded cheese, tastes damn fine.
Real1ty, keep everyone updated and some pics would be good. Hopefully you make it right through this time.
5.00 am, start work 5.30-11.30am. Come home have lunch, play on the net have 1 hr nap, back to work 3.30pm-7.30pm. try to be in bed by10 pm. So about ...