Eminent Member
Joined: Sep 9, 2022
Last seen: Jan 24, 2025
Topics: 1 / Replies: 22
RE: 99% sure i can never take test

When I was taking Sus, the first day after the shot I couldn't eat and I would take like 3 or 4 hour naps during the day. My heart would also beat rea...

2 years ago
RE: cant find info on gear

I've seen EuroPharm deca 300. The label was really crappy and it looked fake. But I guess they re-package their gear.

2 years ago
RE: using hcg during aas

It's main reason for use is for Post cycle recovery like you said, but HCG also will harden your muscles up. As for it hurting you, read this: Quote f...

2 years ago
RE: using hcg during aas

That's because it hardens them up. Your body adapts to the HCG and it will eventually be worthless, even to the pros.

2 years ago
RE: using hcg during aas

It's more harmfull because your ledig(Is that spelled correctly) cells adapt to the HCG. So when you really need it for post cycle recovery it wont wo...

2 years ago
RE: using hcg during aas

It's more harmfull because your ledig(Is that spelled correctly) cells adapt to the HCG. So when you really need it for post cycle recovery it wont wo...

2 years ago
RE: Sustanon Flu!! Need Help Guys!

Maybe you really have the flu?

2 years ago
RE: torn triceps

I heard the EQ helps repair ligiments and Tendons.

2 years ago
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