Last seen: Mar 24, 2025
havent had buffalo in a long time. But good stuff.
Great pic bro, keep us updated.
What are ya doing to us God??? We're all getting so old...
Welcome back Big guy.
The burst diet was OK. Bill touted it as a replacement for steroids and that is silly....but it did work. Lots of pros eat high carbs, lots dont. Look...
Just curious any reason you dont want ephedrine hcl? much more accurate dosing with it. I'll have to check on the ephedra though, some places are stil...
Somepeople like a few diff fat burners but I stick to ECA. I love the stuff. It is the one supp (other then muscle milk) that I have nothing bad to sa...
True that. Super cheap at truck stops. Truckers need to stay alert.
This is the link to the direct ephedrine page.
Buy them all seperate. In canada they have to be sold that way now anyway.Costs around 8-12 bucks for ephedine 10 bucks for caffine.
Its the best OTC supp out there IMO. I hate most supps as most do nothing. ECA actually works.
How is the new DVD coming Al?
Al is a great guy but everyone here knows that already of course. He has helped me out alot over the years. best wishes Al.
enanthate would be my suggestion too.