Last seen: Jul 17, 2019
EQ is impossible to get hold of...
Having used these lads for the last 6 months and have taken numerous amount of orders as I was competing, they catered to all my needs and went the ex...
Is injectible iron much better than oral ? Posted by: dario Yeah, there is a right way and a wrong way. the right way looks kind of freaky so I just ...
Posted by: madtrack My normal HCT then was appox 47 % B4 EPO . I went up to 52% .on EPO + ELEMENTAL Fe. When i stopped Fe (same time as EPO) my body ...
Posted by: madtrack Knutzen my levels went up to 44% Hct after 4 weeks .The average levels for nomal people is Hb is+ 13-14 g/dl.---39-42% Hct.(the 4...
Re: EPO- How the body reacts coming off it. Posted by: 55x12 Was just wondering how the HCT and body reacts when coming off EPO. After the last injec...
Posted by: dario I've never found that to be the case. In fact I kept flying and even though my hemocrit was down to normal (40) my hemoglobin was el...
Posted by: madtrack After my first vit E cycle i stopped taking iron too soon and became anaemic.My Hb dropped to 10.5g/dl I resumed iron and was up ...
Posted by: fhg43 most research says that your body will go thru a period significantly reduced RBC production. EPO appears to make the bone marrow wo...
Posted by: fhg43 Here is the study was referencing. Once again those jacked up rats come into play...Funny...the study was done in Belgium-they shoul...