Last seen: Dec 30, 2024
First thing in the morning, w/ lunch, post workout, before bed. Always w/ juice.
I have only heard of 50mg/ml ganabol myself and only seen primoteston in amps as well.
If the Dbol is not giving you any problems, then I dont see why you would leave it out. Alot of what you gain from it is water, but its still gonna he...
Running a cutting cycle immediately following a bulking cycle will be counterproductive. Also, if you are running the cycles back to back, you'll need...
I've had different vials from the same batch cause differing amounts of irritation. Vet gear is hit or miss sometimes depending on the brand. You shou...
It will harden you up quite a bit, but running it w/ deca can be a bit ballsy due to the fact that they both have the potential for progesterone conve...
Congrats bro!!!!! Lesson for the day, why the hell try and fix something thats not broke?
I frontloaded an enanthate cycle in march w/ prop and extra enanthate and gained 5 pounds the first week, but then again I gained 6 pounds this week a...
HGH wont give you any problems. IGF 1 can cause gyno, but it has nothing to do w/ estrogen.
By test 4 do you mean T400? If so, than I would go with that over sus. Hell, I would go with just about anything over sus. T400 will probably cause a ...
Doses a bit higher than what you plan to use will not shut you down any worse bro. Your gains will be slow and steady, like you want, with the doses w...
Thoses doses are a waste. If you dont wanna grow fast, then stay natural. Run the test and EQ both at 500mg/week bro. That cycle will give you slow, s...
Thats more than enough time, you'll be ok.
What about in the afternoon and night though? I'm not saying it does'nt work, but with such a short half life, how can it be effective when there is l...
Thats not the dbol bro, most likely bad form as a result of going too heavy.