Last seen: Oct 16, 2019
Posted by: bear "Legit" TP brands include:Balkan Pharmaceuticals And I sure wish I lived where you live... Thank you very much thats exactly the typ...
Posted by: ready2explode I'm lost. Are you asking for a source and about the quality of UGs? I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough. I was half asleep wh...
Well the pain is now gone. Pain going away didnt take as long as it did on my first cycle. Lasted only a few days. Much less water retention ( and the...
And to clarify, no blood in urine here. Wondering how accurate it is to say that blood tests can tell you if theres kidney damage, only when its serio...
Hey Zircon, i'd love to hear about your results/experiences.Not many people do shorties, and the ones that do, i'd say 95% of them dont do bloodwork.P...
I havent done two weekers because, as I explained, it can get either too expensive, or risky.When I did prop + drol , on a 4 weeker, I started Anadrol...
I like short cycles. 2-4 weeks.Better recovery, better lipids, no need for HCG risking desensitizing tests etc yet good results...HOWEVER i've speakin...
Update...I kept the Dianabol dosage at 30mg an hour before working out, and eventually experienced no headaches at all.Also did a CBC test and hematcr...
Posted by: MrAnderson john123, how do the headaches come on. is there anyting you do or take to get rid of them.my headaches/sinus's when they act up...
Posted by: jboldman drop the dbol, i have experienced and heard so many problems that it is not worth it.jb From what you've experienced and heard......
I just started a cycle and I'm getting the exact same headache and pressure behind eye/s.I'm on Test Prop and dbol.Last time I did test prop it was vi...