Last seen: Jun 25, 2022
Alot good tips preciate it fellas
Its not all just physical alot of it has to do with the mental side. The androgenic side of AAS is that it gives you the mind set to do something your...
lol. let me know how everything goes. Especially how the aromasin and nolva affect everything. I think i might add them to my cycle as well if they do...
Hcg is a must. Have you run the aromasin and nolvadex before?
My cycle history includes mostly Test. enanthate based cycles. I started with test e. only cycles with doses reaching 500 mgs. I have also ran Test e ...
Sounds good to me. Research Post cycle therapy if you want to kick it up a notch though. As for the Eq. Its a great anabolic but 13 weeks isn' absolut...
neither have i no burning but everyones different
I love british-dragon.org and will continue to use them. Their great! Reliable, dependable and their to answer any questions but when you need gear ya...