Last seen: Jan 23, 2025
mountainman.....6 months huh? Damn......that's longer than I'm hoping for. Did you get the micro surgery done or did they have to open you up?
thanx bro, my surgeon does the shoulders for the states pro baseball team. supposed to be the best....this helps my concerns, ya know......can't be th...
Welcome to the old folks home
princenas, were you told that it was better to keep carbs low or high. Any other bros got any info on this as well. Now i'm courious, i'm cutting with...
Originally posted by markb 2 weeks after last shot Yep. When you start clomid thrapy has nothing to do with the low or high dosage, just the time it t...
Originally posted by Ivan Denko Consistent blood levels are key. Thats why i stick with a single ester like prop for cutting and enanthate for bulking...
Originally posted by Alin ENANTHATE could be shoot once a week because have a more stable roll over. sustanon 3 times a week You should do maximum 3 m...
Originally posted by Hardcoregrowth1 I just got off of a week and a half lay-off and its just what I needed. I gained 2 lbs or so. Sometimes you just ...
I am currentlt using 152mcg im 253 6'1" and 30 years old. I sometimes don't feel as though i can do anything at all. The battle when cutting for me is...
welcome aboard. I personaly like to have a longer cycle and I get better gains on them, but I'm lucky in that I'm not prone to gyno or other shit that...
I like both eq and deca. Use deca with bulking and eq with cutting, i run gear year round almost every year so I need to change things up. Deca makes ...
I'm taking the t3 now and I break out sweating just climbing a flight of stairs or 2....mine has a chemicle taste to it...don't know if it is an alcoh...
i almost always NEED a food fix on leg day and on a heavy back day too. It's not like your going to be setting table and eating a 5 course meal on the...